
Uruma City & Onnason,
Okinawa, Japan.

7 reasons to choose​
Da Vinci
International School
Okinawa / Japan

1. Access to Universities (US Accreditation)
Da Vinci International Programs are accredited by the Department of Education standards of the United States through our partner institutions in America. This allows our graduates to attend Japanese universities with English-based programs and universities all over the world.
2. Individualized Curriculum and Personalized Coaching
We tailor the curriculum according to each student's potential, age, and grade level. We coach our students in achieving their academic and personal goals. Many of our students can complete more than one school year at a time, graduate earlier, or complete an Associate's Degree along with a High School Diploma.
3. No English Admission Test
Our personalized education system allows us to teach English to those students who are not fluent in English or even have English level zero. They first study English to become later capable of studying in English.
4. Student-Teacher Ratio 1:4, 1:6, and 1:8
One teacher for every eight students in each classroom. To maximize their study time we work one-on-one, or on groups of 2, 4, or 6 students per teacher on daily basis.
5. Harvard trained
We can offer the best possible education program by equipping our teachers with the best available training. Since 2013 our team is receiving training from Harvard University.
6. No-Homework Policy
Due to the nature of the Da Vinci System of Education, our teachers can complete the school work within the six hours of school, which gives our students the freedom of no homework so they can engage in other activities after school hours.
7. Stress-free Environment
Our zero-bullying initiative along with the special design of each classroom eliminate unnecessary stress.
Preschool & Kindergarten
Jr. High
Da Vinci International School in the world

Trained at Harvard University on "Mental Health and Education" in Boston 2015, 2018, in Italy in 2019 & from Okinawa in 2020.

Presenters and Members of the Oxford Round Table: "Childhood Education" 2024
Trained at Oxford University 2019

Presenters at the OMEP world conference 2014 in Washington DC, and 2016 in Seoul Korea.

Presenters at ACEI Childhood Education International World Assembly in Washington DC 2017.
Emerging Leader Award 2017.