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High standards, hard work, and strong values:
Da Vinci International High School
The transition from childhood to adulthood is one of the most important developmental fases in life. Most of the “big,” long-term, impacting decisions such as career, partners, beliefs, etc. are made during these critical years. Sadly, adolescence is also one of the most underestimated stages in our children’s lives. At Da Vinci International we understand our teens and have developed an education based on three basic principles:
Core Values, academic excellence and independence. From 9th to 12th Grade it is vital to teach and train our students in a lifestyle based on values such as respect, honesty, hard work, and self-control. Our golden rule is “to treat others the way we want others to treat us.” Academically speaking we don’t want them to accept any less than their maximum potential, we challenge our students to work hard and pursue their goals giving it all for their own education. We also teach our students to become independent in their academic work, responsibility leads them to freedom and the consequence of that combination is excellence.

Top 8 reasons why parents are choosing Da Vinci International High School
1. Enriched Curriculum
All of our materials are based on a five-subject curriculum, including:
・Language Arts (English I, II, III, and IV)
・Language Extensions (English Grammar and Writing)
・Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus)
・Social Studies (US History, World History, Okinawan History, and World Geography)
・Science (Physics, Chemistry, or Biology)
Elective subjects include:
Honors Algebra, Languages (Japanese, Italian, French, Spanish, etc.),
Creative Writing, Music, Psychology, Sociology, Business, Negotiation, Communication, Health, Computer Literacy, Art, Design, and Music.
2. US Accredited Curriculum
As part of our vision for the future, we offer our students the possibility of a US Accredited curriculum that will grant them the opportunity to test for any university in the US and in most countries in the world.
We currently have three schools in the states through which we work to have our high school students follow a US-accredited curriculum. One is Bridgeway Academy, based in Pennsylvania; another one is Citizen High School, based in Florida; and the third one we use is Smart Horizons Career Online High School, also from Florida. Most of our students get enrolled in Bridgeway Academy, which has obtained accreditation through Cognia, which includes NCA CASI, NWAC, SACS CASI, The National Association of Private Schools, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The review of their accreditation and requirements is done yearly.
3. Compass Learning
We have made all the necessary arrangements to provide our High School students with the leading award-winning curriculum Compass Learning, which has received two 2009 BESSIE awards for Math Intervention and High School Solutions, the 17th Annual Education Review’s Eddie Awards, the 2013 SIIA CODIE AWARDS, and was listed on the top 100 District Administration Products for Education.
Does your teen know what career to choose for his or her future?
4. Career Design
One of our teens today's urgent needs is to find their place in a constantly changing world. Many of them don’t know what to do with their lives after High School. The decision of what career to choose cannot be made overnight. We think that in Jr. High, the students should start working toward that decision.
Our CDP has been developed to help every student spend the necessary time getting information and finding what might be his or her vocation.
Is she or he ready to take care of his or her own financial responsibilities?
5. Financial Literacy
Regardless of their talents and capacities, financial literacy can make the difference between success and failure. Major Credit Companies are targeting young students making a 1.2 billion dollar business.
Young High Schoolers and College students know little about credit card management and become an easy market for creditors. But when they are trained in financial management, they can take control of their finances from the beginning and not let debt take control of their future. At Da Vinci International School, we educate our students following the guidelines of Dave Ramsey through Financial Peace University and Financial Peace Jr. programs.
Is your teen ready to negotiate his or her future without compromising his or her integrity?
6. Harvard Negotiation Program
Negotiation skills are not a luxury but a basic need in this generation.
Our teens will be approached by professional negotiators following their own interests when the time comes for them to decide their future. Our children cannot go unequipped to face the workplace, and before that, their lives through college. We have been trained on the Harvard Negotiation Project and completed training under several International Negotiation, Communication, and Mediation institutions. At Da Vinci International School, we equip our Jr.High & High Schoolers with the tools and skills they will need to negotiate their way to success.
7. Physical Activities
Da Vinci International School believes teenagers need time to socialize and exercise because they are important in building the brain’s infrastructure. Exercise improves the structure, function, and connectivity of the brain. Aerobic sports programs like soccer, swimming, hockey, and martial arts are outstanding brain-boosters. After one of our teacher's training at Harvard University, we have developed a program in which we have our students complete 45 minutes of cardio-respiratory exercise every day before studying. Similarly, we encourage the parents to enroll their children either in our after school activities or in any other social setting that favors sports and physical education.
8. Zero bullying
Da Vinci International School values friendships. We teach our students to face peer group pressure, cliques, and bullying. Children at this stage need peers of the same age for bonding and build relationships, but this is not an easy thing to do in a classroom. For this reason, we set rules, make them clear and enforce them, and carefully explain the reasons behind them. We talk about "respect" and what our expectations are as a school. We teach them that they are old enough to be responsible for their actions and teach them to treat others the way they would like to be treated. The successful implementation of zero bullying-polices is one reason Da Vinci International School received an award in education.
"At Da Vinci International we commit ourselves to teach, train and equip each one of our students with the best tools and materials we know, and to put our heart into forming future men and women capable of making a difference in the world”.
Da Vinci International happily welcomes anyone to try out our program without the need of withdrawing him from his or her current school program (public school, private school, or homeschool).
If you have been considering Da Vinci International as a valid option for your child’s education, but weren’t sure enough as to take him or her off from his or her current school program, you have the option of trying out Da Vinci and seeing first-hand why so many parents are enthusiastic with their children’s school progress, without affecting your child’s current school.
Coming in for a couple of trial days (tryout can be one or two days while our school program can be few days a week or full week program), your child can have a complete placement test and a pre-evaluation of his or her learning capabilities/challenges.1
You have a chance to meet and talk with other Da Vinci International parents to get information from a parental perspective.
The number of students per class, including those students under this Tryout Program, won’t exceed our teacher/student ratio of 1:8 or 2:12.
The cost for our “two-day full immersion” program is highly affordable.
1.The placement test includes Math, Language, Reading, and Writing.
School Tour
We are open to meet with you and tour you around Da Vinci. Please let us know your availability and we will do our best to match your schedule.
Tryout Program
We recommend you to have your child try out the school before making any commitment
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